We couldn’t have asked for a nicer day for a nature walk. Low humidity, low 80;s, slight breeze! Nineteen members and friends attended, many who were experienced and knowledgeable in mushrooms, birds, wildflowers and trees. It didn’t matter where you where in the crowd, you were close to someone who knew the answer. See our list of sightings here: We saw 53 flowering species at Jennings and another 28 at Burton Rd. for a total of 81 for the day.

We walked the prairie and through the wooded area to the lower flood plain, where we saw a N. Water snake sunning itself on an exposed branch. It seemed like there was less Blazing Star in bloom and more Culver’s Root. Dale the grounds keeper said that area is due for a burning.

There was a beautiful specimen of the small-flowered purple fringed orchid right on the side of the trail, so everyone got an opportunity for photos without getting their feet wet.

Some of us had packed a bag lunch and took advantage of the park’s shelter to recap our day. After lunch, a few of us stopped at Burton Road area of Moraine State Park to add to our species list.