Search for Winter Fruits and Seeds at Hays Woods, Agnew Road Trailhead,
Allegheny County
Leader: Loree Speedy; (724) 518-6022/cell or

Directions: Agnew Road in Carrick is off of Becks Run Road, which can be reached from PA 837 in the South Side, or from PA51/Maytide St in the Overbrook neighborhood. Agnew Rd is 1.8 miles from PA 837 in the South Side, by way of Becks Run Rd, or 1.5 miles from PA 51 by way of Maytide St, Biscayne Dr and Becks Run Rd.
At the intersection of Becks Run Rd and Agnew Rd, continue on Agnew Rd – it will zig zag through the neighborhood – for a little less than a mile to a parking area near a gate.
GPS coordinates: 40.39829, -79.96317 Google Map Link
Hays Woods is a currently undeveloped city park. We will walk some mild rolling hills and gravel roads for winter plant id.