The day was partly cloudy, warming to 84 degrees, after the previous evening was blanketed with rain and high winds. Twenty-seven humans and two dogs attended.
There was an accident on Route 79 Northbound which added 20 minutes to the commute time for at least half of the participants, including the leader! Hike didn’t start until 10:15. Five boxes of nature books donated by Susan Varley were displayed and people were asked to take as many as they wanted. Read the list of what we saw here:

Liz announced that there is an ongoing project at the Arboretum at North Park, every Thursday morning to remove invasives and tag natives. Everyone is invited to attend.

The lower trail was flooded, both by the rain and a beaver dam. We had to turn around and double back.

After lunch, a few of us stop at the Butterfly Trail at Moraine to add a few more sightings to our list.