Checking out the partridge berry and wintergreen
About 15 folks attended this walk led by Judy Stark. After snow the previous week we were treated with a sunny and warm day. We walked the road on the forested hill behind the Maple Syrup buildings and back around the lake. We saw about a dozen flowering plants, Bloodroot being the most prolific. (Photos by: Judy Stark)
Here is the list:
sharp-lobed hepatica
grandiflora trillium
trout lily
Virginia spring beauty
cut-leaved toothwart
two-leaved toothwart
blue cohosh
trailing arbutys
kidney-leaved buttercup
wild ginger
Virginia Bluebells
striped wintergreen

Kim searches Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide


Grandiflora Trillium

Sharp lobed hepatica

Virginia Spring Beauty

Trailing Arbutus